1st District Court
Online Case Review

Monroe County, MI

Frequently Asked Questions

What is online case review?

It's a way to have a police officer and judge review your traffic ticket without having to come to court for a hearing.

What are the benefits of online case review?

You could get your charge changed to one with no driver’s license points. And you can do it online rather than going to court.

How is it different online than in court?

It’s not. There’s a real judge and law enforcement officer on the other side, making decisions about your case based on the same criteria they would if you went to court in person. It just takes place through this website.

How does it work?

You submit a request online for a reduced charge. If you are eligible, the police officer reviews your request and makes a recommendation to the judge, who then makes the final decision. You get a text or email with the result.

Is there a charge for online case review?


Why does the court allow online case review?

Everyone makes mistakes. If you have a good driving record, the judge and police officer may be willing to give you a lesser charge that does not add points to your license.

Why should I care about points on my license?

Having points on your license can raise your insurance rates, subject you to driver responsibility fees, or result in a suspension of your license to drive.

How many days do I have to decide if I want to do online case review?

Fourteen (14) calendar days from when your ticket issued. If you wait past 14 days, you are ineligible for the program, and your request will be automatically denied.

What happens if my request is rejected?

You have 3 days to admit responsibility and pay the ticket, deny responsibility and request a hearing, or admit responsibility with a written explanation. More information is on the back of your ticket.

How do I know if I’m eligible?

It depends on your record and other criteria set by the court and law enforcement. Just enter your ticket information and do a search to find out. If you are, submit a request. Whether your request is approved is entirely up to the court and law enforcement.

What does it mean if I am ineligible?

It could mean your ticket is too old, or that you have too many past offenses or open tickets. Try a search. If you are ineligible, we’ll tell you why.

If my request is approved, will I still have to pay a fine?

Yes. The fine could change based on the new charge. Either way, you are still responsible for paying it.

How will I know when a decision has been made?

We will email or text you, and we’ll update the message on your status page when you come back to the website. Full payment is due within 3 days.

Wouldn’t I get a better deal by going to court in person?

No. This website is not “automated.” There’s a real judge and law enforcement on the other side, and they make decisions your case using the same considerations as they would in person. The offer the court extends through this website is the same you’d get in court. It simply takes place through this website.

I received a citation that is eligible to be waived (or reduced) — can I use this site to resolve my waivable offense?

Some citations can have their fines reduced or eliminated if you satisfy the court by showing proof. This site works to allow you to upload images as proof. Here are the types of offenses that you can have reviewed online (and what you will need to upload as proof to satisfy the requirement):

1) No Proof of Insurance - fine may be lowered by uploading an image as proof that you had valid insurance at the time of the citation.

2) No Registration -¬�fine may be waived by uploading an image as proof that your registration was valid at the time of the citation.

3) No Operator License on Person - fine may be waived by uploading an image as proof that you had a valid driver's license at the time of the citation.

4) Defective Equipment - fine may be waived by uploading an image as proof that the required repairs have been made (and verified by a police officer) within 10 calendar days from the date of the citation.

5) Failure to Change Address - fine may be waived by uploading an image as proof that your address has been updated on your license and/or registration with the Secretary of State within 10 calendar days from the date of the citation.