Maumee Municipal Court

Online Traffic

Frequently Asked Questions

What is online ticket review?

It's a way to have a Prosecutor and Judge review your traffic ticket without having to come to court for a hearing.

What are the benefits of online ticket review?

There is a possibility for your charge to be reduced or dismissed. Additionally, the convenience of resolving your case online rather than going to court is a benefit.

How is it different online than in court?

It's not. There's a real Judge and Prosecutor on the other side, making decisions about your case based on the same criteria they would if you went to court in person. It just takes place through this website.

How does it work?

You submit a request online for a reduced charge. If you are eligible, the Prosecutor reviews your request and makes a recommendation to the Judge, who then makes the final decision. You get a text or email with the result.

Is there a charge for online ticket review?

Yes, a convenience fee of $10.75 is charged prior to submitting your case for review.

Why does the court allow online traffic review?

Everyone makes mistakes. If you have a good driving record, the Judge and Prosecutor may be willing to give you a lesser charge that does not add points to your license.

What happens if my request is rejected?

You can either pay the fine for the original charge on the citation and plead to that charge or attend the court hearing at the date and time listed on the citation and dispute the charge(s).

How do I know if I'm eligible?

It depends on your record and other criteria set by the Judge and Prosecutor. Just enter your ticket information and do a search to find the eligibility criteria. If you are, submit a request. Whether your request is approved is entirely up to the court.

What does it mean if I am ineligible?

It could mean your ticket is too old, or that you have too many past offenses or open tickets. Try a search. If you are ineligible, we'll tell you why.

If my request is approved, will I still have to pay a fine?

Unless your case is dismissed, you will still be required to pay a fine. The fine could change based on the new charge.

If I am offered a reduced citation how long do I have to review it and submit my decision?

If you are offered a reduced violation the court will send you a text/email message with a link to accept or reject the offer for a reduced violation. You must submit your decision and pay your fine no later than 24 hours prior to the court date listed on your citation.